Broke & Full of Soup a Way of Life for University Students

It’s no mystery that students in University are broke, really broke. With student loans piling up and the stress of homework, it is no wonder students turn to fast, cheap, and easy food to survive – this often comes in the forms of $1.99 Burger from Burger King, causing the dreaded weight gain. Let’s face it eating healthy can be expensive when students don’t know what they are doing, fear not soup is here. It is cheap, delicious, and healthy.

-This is the true meaning of university, at least we have soup to fill our sorrows.

– The accuracy of this image is painful, especially weight gain and lack of money.

Fear not there is a solution! A Souplution. It is yummy, healthy, and won’t put a huge dent in the wallet of a Uni student.

If students are sick of canned soup, there are fantastic, cheap recipes he or she can create for CHEAP! All You has 5 Cheap and Easy Soup Recipes Under $1.

I repeat for under $1 one can fill their stomach! You have to check these soups out here: 5 Savoury Soup Recipes. 

Soup is cheap I mean look at these prices at Walmart. Ranging from $1.68 up to $2 can, or if one buys in bulk 82 cents a can! Now that is a bargain, not to mention tons of choices. Screen Shot 2017-03-18 at 9.19.15 PM.png

The image below may not be a perfect picture of health but when soup is done right it can be extremely healthy! The article below explains why soup is healthy when prepared properly.

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Soup is really healthy, just what students want! According to CYNTHIA MYERS at Livestrong “Soup is a quick, hot meal that offers plenty of health benefits. You can throw a variety of ingredients into a slow cooker in the morning before you leave for work or school and return home to a delicious meal in the evening. The healthiest soups include fresh, low-fat ingredients and a minimum of salt and extra fat. You can use up leftovers in a soup pot and create new variations of favorite recipes since soup lends itself to experimentation.”

Cynthia also mentions that soup gives an individual their daily serving of vegetables, nutrients, soup is also low in fat and keeps one full. Check out a more detailed version of the article here: Livestrong.

Student Recipes provides great soups for students! Students can get their inner chef on and impress their parents when they tell them, “I am having Chilli Carrot and Lentil Soup.” 

Chilli Carrot and Lentil Soup via Quick and Easy Soup Recipes for Students! 


  • One potato
  • red lentils
  • stock cubes
  • carrots
  • chilli powder
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 clv garlic
  • cabbage
  • broccoli


  1. Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry in a saucepan
  2. after a few minutes and boiling water to the pan and crumble in stock cubes
  3. add lentils chilli powder
  4. grate carrots ( yes it saves so much time cooking !!) and add to the pan
  5. chop the garlic clove
  6. add the cut cabbage and broccoli
  7. leave to boil for a further 15 minutes and blitz!

Be sure to check out more of their sweet and easy soup recipes at Student’s Recipes. 

Here is a list of many blogs/websites that provide cheap and easy soup recipes that won’t harm a university student’s already low budget:

Now that students can concur the ever stressful task that is fueling their bodies while trying to maintain and acceptable GPA. Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 1.24.16 PM.png

Smart students know that this graph is true because soup is cheap and filling.

Now Soup may actually help a student budget their money better, as soup is cheap to buy canned and fairly inexpensive to make from scratch, but sorry to say it can’t pay off your student loans. Students will still be broke but at least he or she will be full.